
DemoReelCharacterTD2014 (Rigging, modelling, articulation, scripting(python&mel)) from Kasper Larsson on Vimeo.

riggingReel2013 KasperLarsson from Kasper Larsson on Vimeo.

Character Rig (is in show Reel)
Bachelor short movie "Interview" (in production) 

Deer Muscle Rig (is in show Reel)
Quadruped deer, with Great Dane leg setup 

Fly rig.
IKFK switch on all four legs and both front "arms". Fully scaleable. Spline body, all skinned.
From start to end, 6 hours.

Older rigs:  
half-life Rig
(Unfortunately I am not allowed to show alot of my stuff nor tell what the project is about, I can only show a  screenshot from the John K project I am currently working on.)
(Design by John K, model by John Kedzie)
(property of John K.)

Protoss Rig 
(a video of the rig moving will be included in my 2012 reel) 
(modeled by me, design by Blizzard Entertainment)

Quadruped Rig
(It is being animated by Mikkel Brøns-Frandsen as I'm posting right now)
(modeled by me, designed by me and Mikkel Brøns-Frandsen)